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Boston – July 12-15 Blue Jays vs. Red Sox

Day 1 – Toronto » Boston 6:30 – 9:00 AM Board the coach at your chosen pick-up location (pick-up times vary) and travel to Niagara Falls Canada/U.S. border (proper documents required subject to U.S. entry laws). 11:30 AM Border crossing, followed by a break at…

Why Paris is the most romantic place in the world!

Paris is a favorite destination for couples, for individual travelers, for groups, for young and mature people, and well, for everyone! It has historical sights, dazzling entertainment, and beautiful views over the Siene River. The beauty of Paris brings a feeling of excitement and…

Best place for pictures in Paris

Visiting Paris? We advise you to read below for tips on where best to capture Paris on camera… The Eiffel Tower When you think about Paris, you think about the Eiffel Tower, the “place to be” for a tourist. This is without any words,…

Summer Events in Washington D.C.

We present you the TOP Summer events of Washington that are a great addition to the sights you will see during our Washington bus tour. DC Jazz Festival When: June, 05 – June, 16 Thousands of music lovers flock to the nation’s capital to…

Historic Houses in Boston

Founded in 1630 by Puritan Colonists from England, Boston is one of America’s oldest cities. This is reflected in the number of historical buildings in the city, including some wonderful historic homes. Some of these historic homes have been preserved by turning them into…

Old Ironsides

One of the most interesting sites on Boston’s Freedom Trail, and always a huge favorite with kids and teens, is the USS Constitution that offers tours conducted by its Navy crew members. You can visit USS Constitution Museum, Old Ironsides during on our bus…

How the London Eye Works

Among many attractions that can be visited in London, we offer our tourists to get acquainted with the London Eye. The “London Eye” began life as an idea in 1993. The “Sunday Times” started a competition in collaboration with the “Architecture Foundation” to create…

Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus, located in the heart of the West End, is the perfect place to begin any London adventure. Standing on the roundabout under the famous statue of the mythical Anteros (often mistakenly referred to as his brother Eros, or sometimes the Angel of…

“The best there ever was. The best there ever will be.”

These words are written at the Michael Jordan statue… Professional basketball player, Olympic athlete, businessperson, and actor – Michael Jordan – was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. Considered one of the best basketball players of all time, Michael dominated the…

Some Suggestions of What Not to Miss at the Louvre

So you have made it to Paris, and at the top of your Paris tour list is to visit one of the most famous museums in the world, the Louvre. You know that your first priority is the Mona Lisa followed by Venus de…